“All Are (Really) Alike Unto God” – Keeper of the Gate

"From time to time I have had students come into my offices–and this when I taught at BYU Provo, at Ricks College, and now at BYU-Hawaii–I always have students come to me and ask me the question, “Is it true that people of the Black race will not go to the celestial kingdom?” The first time I heard that I was aghast, I said, “Where in the world did you get that idea?” The idea behind this question is simply preposterous, because it denies the blessings of the atonement of Jesus Christ. Once again, remember the words of Nephi: “… He denieth none that come unto him black and white, bond and free, male and female.” (The Book of Mormon; 2 Nephi 26:33) When it comes to our salvation, it…
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Utah Area Genesis Group

Headquartered in Sandy Utah, the Genesis Group was founded in 1971 under the direction of members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and is to this day an official auxiliary of the Church. This auxiliary was formed 7 years before the priesthood ban was lifted as Church leaders felt prompted to create an additional place of support and love where primarily Black saints, but also people of all races and ethnicities could choose to gather and strengthen each other. It is rare because it is an auxiliary that does not have wards or branches or hold sacrament meetings, but instead does firesides and activities. This holds a good balance between not creating segregated wards and stakes but also being able to give wanted support to the many who benefit…
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“Healing Racism Through Jesus Christ” – Race and Racism

“Pride as it relates to race and racism can manifest with great subtlety, making it difficult to root out. As I mentioned before, being White is not simply another racial category; in our society, White individuals are at the top of the racial hierarchy, making them the default group that other racial groups are compared against. Because of this, it is not surprising that some major skin care companies sell skin-lightening lotion specifically targeted to people of color. These products imply that looking lighter and whiter is better. The root of this scheme is found in the adversary. In contrast, I invite you to not only come to know but to feel that you are a child of loving heavenly parents who created you to look just as you do.…
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“Infuriating Unfairness” – Power to Provide a Remedy

“In 1994, a genocide took place in the East African country of Rwanda that was partly due to deep-seated tribal tensions. Estimates are that more than half a million people were killed. Remarkably, the Rwandan people have in large part reconciled, but these events continue to reverberate. A decade ago, while visiting Rwanda, my wife and I struck up a conversation with another passenger at the Kigali airport. He lamented the unfairness of the genocide and poignantly asked, “If there were a God, wouldn’t He have done something about it?” For this man—and for many of us—suffering and brutal unfairness can seem incompatible with the reality of a kind, loving Heavenly Father. Yet He is real, He is kind, and He loves each of His children perfectly. ...I declare with…
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“How Can I Help Overcome Prejudice?” – Reverend Brown

“The Reverend Amos C. Brown tells a story about Howard Washington Thurman. Howard lived next to a woman who mistreated his family because they were Black—even throwing manure from her chicken coop into the Thurmans’ yard. When the woman fell ill, Howard’s mother took her some soup and roses. With gratitude, the woman asked where the flowers had come from. Mrs. Thurman explained, “While you were throwing the chicken manure, God was preparing the soil.” “That’s what we’ve got to do in the midst of evil,” Reverend Brown said. “Take the manure but have the faith in God to use it to grow a garden of roses.” ...The Savior provides the perfect example for us to follow. He taught us what to do when offended (see Matthew 18:15), persecuted (see…
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“Healing the Wounds of Racism” – Examples to Learn From

Examples of racism in bold lettering: "As we endeavor to heal the wounds of racism, here are four steps each of us needs to take so that we can all move forward together in our efforts to reach our divine potential. 1. Acknowledge the Problem:The first step toward healing is the realization that the problem exists. We cannot fix that which we overlook or deny. Our attitudes toward others of a different race or of a different culture should not be considered a minor matter. Viewing them as such only affirms a willingness to stay unchanged .2. Recognize It in Ourselves:Some people acknowledge the problem but may not recognize it in themselves. Sometimes racism is so subtle, we may not realize we’re expressing it. How are we to judge when our thoughts and comments might be out…
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“Be Willing to Make a Sacrifice to Make That Happen”

“When asked about racism and the civil unrest that exists in society, President Johnson said, “We can't fight hate with hate. We must look to love to have peace and harmony, and be willing to make a sacrifice ourselves to make that happen. Racism is a chronic — and for some, a self-inflicted disease — whose symptoms can be mitigated through a variety of remedies and programmes. But it can only be cured with a true understanding of what it means to love God with all our heart, mind and strength, and to love our neighbours as ourselves.” He continued, “We need to be kind to one another and accept each other’s differences. The Lord loves diversity — if he didn’t, he would have created everything exactly the same. The…
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“Healing Racism Through Jesus Christ” – Fountain of Living Waters

“My dear sisters and brothers, we have all thought, spoken, or behaved in a prejudiced manner at some point in our lives. The good news is that we can turn to the fountain of living waters—Jesus Christ and His Atonement—for our healing and redemption. His death and triumphant Resurrection not only provide us the ability to reconcile our relationship with Heavenly Father but to reconcile our relationships with each other. We can apologize when we have hurt someone, ask for forgiveness from God, and endeavor every day to love more fully and completely by improving our capacity to personify the great commandment. Through applying the Atonement personally with the intention to live the great commandment, we are collectively contributing to the creation of Zion—a community of “the pure in heart.”…
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“Hearts Knit Together” – Followers of Jesus Christ

“As followers of Jesus Christ, we are dismayed when we hear of how children of God are mistreated based on their race. We have been heartbroken to hear of recent attacks on people who are Black, Asian, Latino, or of any other group. Prejudice, racial tension, or violence should never have any place in our neighborhoods, communities, or within the Church. Let each of us, no matter our age, strive to be our best. Love Your Enemy As you strive to extend yourself in love, respect, and kindness, you will undoubtedly be hurt or negatively affected by the bad choices of others. What do we do then? We follow the Lord’s admonition to “love your enemies … and pray for them which despitefully use you.”
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