Headquartered in Sandy Utah, the Genesis Group was founded in 1971 under the direction of members of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles and is to this day an official auxiliary of the Church. This auxiliary was formed 7 years before the priesthood ban was lifted as Church leaders felt prompted to create an additional place of support and love where primarily Black saints, but also people of all races and ethnicities could choose to gather and strengthen each other. It is rare because it is an auxiliary that does not have wards or branches or hold sacrament meetings, but instead does firesides and activities. This holds a good balance between not creating segregated wards and stakes but also being able to give wanted support to the many who benefit greatly from gathering together in a gospel setting. It is a place where we can mourn with those that mourn, comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and especially rejoice with the joyful.
The Genesis Group also provides assistance to mission presidents, stake presidents, and bishops. Much like the branches and wards created for specific lingual groups in the United States where meetings are officiated in Spanish, Vietnamese, Tongan, Sign Language, and countless others, this auxiliary speaks the language of the Spirit, the language of sisterly and brotherly love…

Genesis Group
Meetings held every 1st Sunday each month
Unity Gospel Choir 5:30-6:00pm followed by:
Devotional from 6:00-7:30pm
275 E. 10600 S. Sandy, Utah, U.S.A.
For more information